

We offer a selection of domestic ingredients and special dishes.



個人でお取り寄せしたい、業務用に使用したい、など… お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Seikatsu Club Spirits Co., Ltd. is a sales company jointly established by Seikatsu Club Co-op and affiliated producers.

Anyone can use the products of affiliated producers made according to our strict standards.

If you would like to order it individually, use it for business purposes, etc., please feel free to contact us.


01 疑わしいものは使用しません


We do not use unnatural substances

We sell products with as few unnecessary things as possible, such as food additives and pesticides. We do not use genetically modified crops for feed and additives.
We clarify the safety by going to the producing areas and production sites and pursuing the traceability until products reach the consumers. For instance who made it? When, where, and how was it made?

02 国内生産・国内自給に


We are particular about domestic production and domestic self-sufficiency

We increase the domestic proportion of raw material and feed in our products by cooperating with affiliated producers. We aim to propagate healthy and safe foods into society and create an environment where producers can work on food production with no worries.

03 サステイナブルなものづくり

環境に配慮した商品開発や、エネルギーを浪費しない製造のあり方など、サステイナブル(持続可能)なものづくりを追求します。 水・土壌・森林といった再生可能な自然資源は持続的なカタチで使用し、再生できない自然資源については節減に取り組みます。また、省資源・リユース・リサイクルを通じてごみの削減も積極的に行ないます。

Sustainable manufacturing

We pursue sustainable manufacturing, such as environmentally friendly product development and manufacturing methods that do not waste energy.
We use renewable natural resources such as water, soil, and forests in a sustainable manner, and save non-renewable natural resources.
We also actively reduce waste through resource conservation, reuse, and recycling.


  • 1. 安全性を追求します。
    Pursue safety
  • 2. 国産を第一優先します。
    Domestic production is the first priority.
  • 3. 取り扱い品の情報を開示します。
    We will disclose information on the products we handle.
  • 4. 遺伝子操作された作物は食品だけでなく飼料においても取り扱いません。
    Genetically engineered crops are not handled in feed as well as food.
  • 5. 素材の風味を大切にします。化学調味料は使いません。
    We value the flavor of the material. No chemical seasoning is used.
  • 6. 有害化学物質を削減します。疑わしきは使いません。
    Reduces toxic chemicals. I don’t use suspicion.
  • 7. 資源循環を目指してリターナブルびんを取り扱います。
    We handle returnable bottles with the aim of recycling resources.